A Bright New Year Begins at Huntingdon


News Release

September 6, 2023
For more information, contact:
Su Ofe, (334) 833-4515; news@hawks.howtobecomeagenius.net

A Bright New Year Begins at Huntingdon


Montgomery, Ala.十大菠菜靠谱平台已经进入了2023年秋季课程的第二个月, 校园里的热情和成长势头都很明显.

总体入学人数从2022年秋季的817人增加到2023年秋季的869人, a six percent increase, 全日制招生人数从2022年秋季的797人增加到2023年秋季的852人, a seven percent increase.

“It’s a great time to be a Hawk,” said Huntingdon President J. Cameron West, reflecting on the growth. “早在去年12月,我们就有迹象表明,今年可能是新生入学人数创纪录的一年, and it has, indeed, been such a year. 我们的新生和转学生人数从去年的297人增加到今年的346人,增幅接近17%,是自20世纪50年代以来最大的新生之一.”

“Our athletic rosters are full, our residence halls are at capacity, Campus Ministries reports burgeoning numbers at their weekly events, 今年秋天,参与男性联谊会生活的人数翻了一番,女性联谊会生活的人数也有了健康的增长, 今年有60名学生参加了我们的新生领导力计划,负责学生和机构发展的高级副校长兼学生主任博士说. Anthony Leigh. “看到高年级学生欢迎老鹰队的新成员,我感到很高兴, 以及新老鹰队如何迅速展现出他们的存在、热情和领导才能. 我们的学生有一种特殊的家庭精神和同志情谊, 我们的新学生很快就像在家里一样,成为了这个家庭的一员.”

从2022年的25个州增加到2023年的29个州. 学术项目中收益最大的是前健康领域, with newer majors such as Cell Biology/Pre-Health jumping 75 percent; Biochemistry/Pre-Health growing 20 percent; Exercise Science/Pre-Athletic Training/Pre-Occupational Therapy leaping from 20 majors to 58, a nearly 200 percent gain; and Exercise Science/Pre-Physical Therapy doubling the number of majors from 26 to 51. Moderate gains were also experienced in Music and Music Education, rising 24 percent; Biology and Biology with Secondary Collaborative Education, gaining 14 percent; and Physical Education growing by 21 percent. 工商管理和会计专业也增长了约11%. 现在是作为专业的第五个年头,刑事司法增长了19%.

New to Huntingdon this year is the Esports program, 一种男女同校的大学运动,由于需求量很大,最初的花名册已经满了,这项运动正在发展俱乐部队,以便参加其他运动或活动的学生仍然可以参加特定的比赛. 去年秋天,学院推出了一个最先进的电子竞技竞技场,现在已经全面投入使用.

在过去的几年里,十大菠菜靠谱平台为学生增加了重要的生活选择, 学院在校园周围的旧克洛弗代尔社区购买了一些公寓和房屋. 这些购买使得居住人口从645人增加到742人, fall-to-fall. 整整87%的十大菠菜靠谱平台全日制本科生住在紧密联系的住宅社区,学生们称之为十大菠菜靠谱平台村.

十大菠菜靠谱平台的小班教学传统和对学生的个人关注也是如此, the Huntingdon student-to-faculty ratio remains at 14:1.

2024年春季和秋季本科入学申请正在接受中, as well as for the 2024 Master of Athletic Training cohort, which will enroll in summer 2024.

十大菠菜靠谱平台是联合卫理公会教会的一所男女同校的住宿文理学院,提供30多个本科课程, 21 NCAA-Division III athletic teams, five bands, choir, cheer, dance, coed Esports, and more than 50 clubs and organizations. New for fall 2024, Huntingdon will introduce women’s flag football. 通过许多参与性项目和学术成就提供慷慨的奖学金, the Presidential Scholars program, and the Kingswood Initiative, among other programs. The College also offers the Master of Athletic Training.


Huntingdon College, in accordance with Title IX and Section 106.根据1972年教育修正案第九条,2020年最终规则第8条, other applicable federal and state law, and stated College policy, prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex.  Similarly, it prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, age and/or national origin in its education program

Suellen (Su) Ofe

Suellen (Su) Ofe

Vice President for Marketing and Communications
(334) 833-4515 | news@hawks.howtobecomeagenius.net

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